Radon Mitigation and Testing in Akron OH – 330-915-4999

Radon Mitigation near Akron OH

Akron Radon has installed radon mitigation systems in NE Ohio for hundreds of clients: realtors, buyers, sellers, builders and concerned homeowners.  If a radon test comes back high (over 4.0 pCi/L), we can help remedy the problem quickly. Call Akron Radon at 330-915-4999 to get a quote!


What is Radon?

Radon is an invisible, odorless radioactive gas.  It is a naturally occurring substance; it’s given off by different types of rocks & soils.  In Ohio, shale and granite deposits create ‘hot-spots’ in the state where radon concentrations are highest. There are numerous studies that show why radon is a health-hazard in higher concentrations, but we won’t bore you with the details. Instead, start your research at www.epa.gov/radon to learn more.

Why is Radon bad?

In short, Radon is radioactive (just like the sun, x-rays, and chemo-therapy).  We all know that radiation in high concentrations can cause medical problems and even death.  We aren’t scientists, so we we don’t use ‘scare tactics’ to sell you on the reasons radon is “bad”.  Instead, we trust the thousands of hours of research conducted by the EPA, World Health Organization, and countless independent labs which all tell us that we don’t want to be breathing in large amounts of radon if we can avoid it.

If you’re selling or buying a home, there’s a good chance that getting a ‘radon test’ is part of the home inspection process.  If the test results come back with a level higher than 4.0 pCi/L, it is suggested by the EPA that you have the radon mitigation (removed).  That’s where we come in!  Most buyers won’t move forward until radon is at an acceptable level, and sellers cannot market their property to other buyers without disclosing the high readings.  So as far as real-estate transactions go, radon can be ‘bad’ by holding up the sale and extending negotiations between buyer and seller.  The good news, however, is that reducing or ‘mitigation’ radon in 99% of homes is a simple process that is relatively inexpensive and very effective!

Call Akron Radon at 330-915-4999 to get a quote!

What’s Akron Radon Mitigation?

By definition, radon mitigation is the process by which radon gases are removed or eliminated from a home.  Akron Radon Reduction Systems has been designing and installing effective ‘radon removal systems’ in Northeast Ohio for quite some time.  We have yet to come across a situation we could not rectify.

The process by which all radon mitigation contractors remove/reduce radon from a home is almost always the same in Akron OH: Sub-Slab Depressurization (SSD).  Every single mitigation project we’ve undertaken been some form of SSD.  First, we drill a 5″ hole into the slab of the basement or main floor if there is none. Then, we remove at least 5 gallons of rocks/dirt from this pit, which we call a ‘suction pit’ or access point.  From this hole, we run a 4″ PVC pipe up the wall and out of the side of the home.  There, we connect a specialized fan that sucks air from beneath the slab floor, and exhausts it above the roof-line.  If it sounds simple, it is!  The tough parts are the labor (ever drill a 5″ hole into reinforced concrete?), selecting the right radon fan for the job, and ensuring that the system is designed to be efficient and compliant with Ohio Law.  The Ohio Department of Health has about 40 pages of rules that every licensed contractor must abide by…some rules are common-sense while others are a bit more involved. Akron Radon’s license number is RC-253.

Once the system is installed, we set-up a test machine that will run for at least 48 hours after the system is installed.  We then download the data and analyze it to ensure that radon levels have been reduced below the EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L.  Every installation by Akron Radon comes with a guarantee that we will get the levels below 4.0 pCi/L, a 5-year warranty on the fan, and a lifetime warranty on our workmanship.

Call Akron Radon at 330-915-4999 to get a quote!

Schedule Radon Mitigation in Akron OH Now!

To get a free quote on a radon mitigation system in Akron OH, please call 330-915-4999.  Alternately, you can submit your information and wait for a call-back here.